for()循环 详解 及 代码
Python的for()循环采用range的方式,迭代依次访问range的值, 但是无法修改range的范围和迭代的位置;
注意: xrange()在python3中, 已经被range()代替, 和xrange()的效果相同;
python33文档: "range() now behaves like xrange() used to behave, except it works with values of arbitrary size. The latter no longer exists."
如果想要改变循环次序, 最好使用while循环; 使用break可以终止for循环;
示例程序是一个猜名字的程序, 由于无法修改次序, 所以额外进行一次, 写成额外一次判断;
# -*- coding: utf-8 -*- #==================== #File: #Author: Wendy #Date: 2013-12-03 #==================== #eclipse pydev, python3.3 name = 'Wendy' friend = 'Caroline' running = True #true首字母大写 times = range(1, 4) print('Who is the author? ( you have 3 times)') for i in times : #表示[1,4), 3个数, 1, 2, 3, for是顺次指向下一个元素, 无法更改i的值 guess = str(input("Enter an name(time: {0}) : ".format(i))) if guess == name : print('Congratulation, you guessed it! ') break #循环终止 elif guess == friend : #额外的机会, 不能修改i的值, 改变判断次序 print('Oh, you know my friend! Give you one extra times! ') guess = str(input("Enter an name(time: {0}) : ".format(i))) if guess == name : print('Congratulation, you guessed it! ') break #循环终止''' elif guess[0] != 'W': #elif的写法 print("Sorry, my first letter is 'W'. ") else : print("Please, continue to guess. ") else : #while语句的else print('Sorry, you have no times.') print('done')输出:
Who is the author? ( you have 3 times) Enter an name(time: 1) : Spike Sorry, my first letter is 'W'. Enter an name(time: 2) : Winny Please, continue to guess. Enter an name(time: 3) : Caroline Oh, you know my friend! Give you one extra times! Enter an name(time: 3) : Wendy Congratulation, you guessed it! done